Saturday, July 12, 2008

What Finkel Was Vinna Post

The quality isn't as good as the original. I puddle too. Sometimes I bawl like an ass. Asses don't bawl. Ignore that.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hither and Yawn

I chose yawn because I'm so boring that it causes drowsiness. You should not operate heavy machinery if you are under the influence of me. Do not take me if you are pregnant or breast feeding. It is not known if I can harm the fetus or be passed on through breast milk. Do not consume alcohol if you plan on taking me, it is better to take me with a meal. I may also cause vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite.

This post was originally to tell you all that I'm without computer. There are like sixty million in this house but the only one that belongs to me is broken. I'm using the husbands machine so I'm just sorta here.

Until next time....