Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Pwnd, Syke and Epic Fail

1:43am--- Received email that certain store had Wii Fit in stock.
1:45am--- Hit add to cart.. fill out the lengthy info.. hit send.. get excited and

Sorry, this item is currently out-of-stock.




Anonymous said...

That makes me so mad. I have a love hate relationship with nintendo these days

Irma La Douche said...

I wanna Wii! I don't even have the Wii yet.... :( Saving too much money for the dang wedding... Is it wrong to "register" for one? hehe

this reminds me of yesterday, I had a 50 dollar gift card and i wanted to spend it on a custom photo book...I spent too much time doing the layout and stuff and then when i was ready to order it was all "oops, we've encountered a bug! the website administrator will be emailed the details" well thanks a fuckin' pantload, Chet!