Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Uggg Come Home Already

Mr. Flee has been gone for 8 days now and won't be back until Friday. First he was speaking at the Microsoft TechEd conference in Florida.. now he's in Georgia visiting family. I was a military wife for so-and-so years and lived through deployment after deployment. Once we were apart for nearly 18 months. It's barely been a week and I'm freaking out over here. I'm not sleeping until daylight and I can't seem to get anything done. I miss him terribly. =(

On a happy note I've finished the spare room. I still need to remove a bulky ass monitor but for once I've completed a project. Yayyy me. I painted some pretty birds on the wall. (The walls are light ice blue but don't appear that way in pictures.) I ordered 2 blankets from UrbanOutfitters (go check out their home stuff... soooo cute) and took one apart and made curtains and pillowcases. I'm so fucking domesticated.




Irma La Douche said...

I can't look at the pictures cuz my computer sucks balls at the moment.

I'd come out there and keep you company but I have no moolah. Plus I have to work. And the wedding coming up, oh damn

Anonymous said...

man the birds are sooooo cool!! seriously...man so cool

fleedawgie said...

well thank ya... i like 'em myself.

Alexv said...

Hey! Where you at, Fleedawgie?