Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Their Yup Runneth Over

So I had this post going and then I locked up. It was a brief story in regards to a few years back when someone referred to my husband and I as yuppies to my Dad. He was so pissed about it that it's become a running joke with us. At the time I thought, "Well shit, I've been called worse." until it struck me as to what it really means.

JK and I grew up in a town with kids who had "yuppies" for parents. Both of our parents were hard working people and struggled to raise us the best they could. We always thought that our circle of friends were rich. Now I come to realize that they were pretend rich. Sure they had nice things but looking back I'm almost certain that those things came from grandparents and credit cards. It's all in perception. Hell I used to think that only rich people had garages and central air... folks like ourselves had carports and window units. Years ago I cracked up friends when discussing pajamas. One said that she had bought a cute set from the PX and I responded with "Wow that's fancy! Only rich people have a matching set of PJs.". Think about it though. How many top and bottom sets of PJs do you have... or do you just wear a tshirt and bottoms? Hahhhaha With all of this said, I believe this to be a part of why I have this looming feeling of not being worthy. Not completely worthless... just unworthy of some things in life that most people take for granted.

I have to say that I'm pretty unsophisticated in my ways. I was raised to act properly and southern graces and hospitality come naturally but I will never been seen acting like I'm something special. I can't stand this. It gets under my skin like an earwig in an ear. Wriggling and gnawing at me until I nearly freak out.

I probably should just end this post now because somehow someone from 'one of the websites I belong to' will see this and catch on. On said website you can change your status. Every day I change mine, mocking a random person with their lame attempt to show their sophistication, whether it be something along the lines of So-and-so is sipping Chardonnay on their veranda or So-and-so is going to such-and-such place to have the time of their lives. You know, because all of us uncool folks will be impressed with their deeds. The rest of us will want to be them when we grow up and how sad that the life we were given consists of ramen noodles and for fun we sit in the back yard and poke each other with sticks. So I'll change mine to something like I'm having a glass of water in the outhouse or I'm going grocery shopping, in town, 5 blocks away. I'm an ass like that.

I really get annoyed when such people act like the general public doesn't "Get" things that interest them. They act as if they discovered it all in the first place. Oh I totally know what you're talking about... it's not that I don't get it, it's that I really don't give a fuck. When I say that I don't like sushi don't tell me that I've 'just not had the good stuff'. I don't care if the shit is so fresh that the goddamned fish just jumped onto my plate... I don't like it. If I say that I don't care for Tom Waits it's not because I don't get his style of music and lyrically storytelling. To me, his stories are compiled of random kitschy words and phrases like Katmandu and jackaroo accompanied by annoying sounds of blaring trumpets and footsteps. See, I know who Tom Waits is. I just don't care for him. If you ask me how I liked the movie.. oh excuse me, the film.. don't get your panties in a wad because I say I hated it then verbally attack my intelligence by saying things like 'Well not eeeeveryone understands the filmmakers innuendos like I do.'. You look stupid when you do this. Maybe, just maybe, I noticed AND understood. I have a southern accent but I'm not deaf and dumb. The film sucked, ok!

It's my opinion and it belongs to me. I have a new motto. "It's your guilt, not mine."

People amuse me and yuppies amaze me.


Irma La Douche said...

oh man you rule. I hate sushi. I wondered if a girl that i knew in high school would notice or wonder why i deleted her on myspace, because of her annoying complaint that she was going to miss her yearly trip to Cabo.

fleedawgie said...


Anonymous said...

Thats okay Kook I deleted someone with cancer..I think that makes me the devil.

Anonymous said...

You also forgot television shows that are oh so important to society.