Sunday, June 1, 2008

Fancy Pants

I've recently decided that just because I have a little chub going on that I shouldn't allow myself to look like a troll on a daily basis. I've spent the last few years of my life off of a clearance rack. Why? Mainly because I never feel worthy enough of anything more. Will I still be hitting the sales? Of course, but I won't be limiting myself any longer.

Today I purchased some fancy pants. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bragging. Well sorta. I'm bragging on the fact that today I felt worthy of such luxury items. For the first time in years I tried on a pair of jeans and smiled. Despite the muffin top and having to stand up completely straight, I smiled. A real honest-to-Maude-edges-of-mouth-turned-upwards happy smile.
Not only did the jeans look good on me but so did the smile. I could get used to that.

Like my bestest pal I've also decided to start treating myself as if I matter. This, my friends, was a first step. Yeeeeeeehaw mother fuckers!


Alexv said...

Hello fancy pants! You are indeed totally worthy. Now I want muffins.

Anonymous said...

Well fuck I didn't know you started yours..heheh. And I'm glad you bought fancy pants and when you're too thin for them send em my way. :)